Religion is bullshit george carlin youtube
Religion is bullshit george carlin youtube

religion is bullshit george carlin youtube

Trying so hard to get their point across, but their point is stupid as hell to begin with. Some individuals continue to run at the mouth because they believe by talking more and more, you might eventually get on board with what they’re saying. Why is it that the people who talk the most typically have the least to say? Non-stop rambling or raising your voice isn’t going to make others hear you out.

religion is bullshit george carlin youtube

Per usual, George Carlin hit it on the head with his rant on “soft language” and the effect it has on society’s way of thinking. Oh, and this country is still roughly $16.5 trillion in debt (and counting), so expect to get bent over a little further in the near future by our wonderful government. Take “fiscal cliff” for example…Hey, that doesn’t sound too ominous…Doesn’t have a “dig your hands deeper into my pockets for your fuck ups, outrageous misspending, corruption and shortsightedness” ring to it!įor real, if I hear this term get thrown around anymore, I’m going to fucking snap. The language we use today to describe or discuss a number of topics is puffed up and misleading. I do, however, like to do my homework, consider all sides of the story, and then form an opinion on what I think makes the most sense at that given time with the current information available.Īnd my gripe isn’t solely with the phrase “conspiracy theory”. Look, I’m not saying I believe these other angles that might sound “too radical” or fucked up or implausible. Personally, I think “critical thinkers”, “independent thinkers” or “skeptics” would be more suitable. What the fuck do you expect? Our government is comprised of greasy, cold-hearted, sociopathic, hypocritical, criminal pinheads that are happy to use others as martyrs to further advance their fucked up agenda.īut go ahead and call me and like-minded individuals crazy conspiracy theorists. In case you didn’t know, the gov’t has hidden motives for all of these. Oh, did I fail to mention that WE WENT TO FUCKING WAR ON LIES?! War on drugs, war on this, war on that. I mean, we’re the ones that declared WAR on DRUGS, goddammit! Or that they would secretly use civilians and military personnel as LSD test bunnies! Or be involved in the drug trade. The government, and the mainstream media that it essentially has control of, couldn’t possibly lie, fabricate or embellish! There’s no way the CIA/NSA could be unconstitutionally spying on us. If you believe a good portion of what you hear/read on mainstream news or what comes out of the government’s lying, slimy fucking mouths, you’re a goddamn loony, and people like you scare the shit out of me. So when I, or any independent, gets dubbed a “conspiracy theorist” for considering all angles and not passively accepting the MANUFACTURED BULLSHIT that gets spewed out on the mainstream “news” networks, it’s not actually me who’s the crazy one for not believing everything I hear or see on the surface you are. Institutional analysis refers to institutions as ways of thinking that have a direct impact on behaviors. The phrase “conspiracy theory” is one of those that’s constantly brought up, and I think it’s effect simply is to discourage institutional analysis.” That’s precisely the sense in which we’ve been talking about the media. If I give an analysis of, say the economic system, and I point out that GM tries to maximize profit and market share – that’s not a conspiracy theory that’s an institutional analysis. “There’s nothing more remote from what we have been discussing than a conspiracy theory. The following quote is from Noam Chomsky’s “Manufacturing Consent”: In the same way that tones of voice, gestures and delivery have a direct effect on how we think and react to certain topics, terminology and language as a whole have a direct effect on our way of thinking. The term “conspiracy theory” is misleading and, typically, has negative & crazy connotations.

Religion is bullshit george carlin youtube